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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

New Home!!

In May 2010 it had been a year since we'd been to church. We just werent' happy with the church we were attending. We didn't feel it had anything to offer for us or Logan. There was no one there our age, no real kids program, just not getting what we need.

A year later it had really been on our hearts to find a new home church. Logan is getting older and to the age where he really is starting to understand a lot of things and to learn so much. We want God to be a part of his life as well as ours. We had been lazy for a year and felt it was time to spead our wings and open our hearts back to God. We started looking and found Cross Pointe Church. http://www.crosspointechurch.com/index.htm A friend of ours parents go there. There are a ton of churches so therefore a ton of options. We honestly didn't look too hard or too far before we found it. I happened upon their website, checked it out, saw what they had and we went for it.

It's been 5 weeks since we started attending Cross Pointe. We fell in love the very first day. Dr. James Merritt is the Senior Pastor there and is absolutely AMAZING! He has done so much in his life and continues to live his life for God! And he is somewhat of a celebrity. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Merritt He has a special way of preaching where it's not really like preaching. His messages are so well thought out, pertain to every day life, and keep you captivated! We are so grateful and blessed to have found this church.

This past Sunday, June 27th, Justin and I were baptised at Cross Pointe. It was an incredible experience. Neither one of us had been baptised and so we decided to do it together. We are trying to turn over a new leaf, live life more for God, change our way of thinking and our behaviors. We are proud to have done this and can start really teaching Logan who God is and what he has done for us.

We love Cross Pointe and can't wait to become even more involved in everything the church as to offer! Praise God!

1 comment:

KatieMGreen said...

That's awesome you found a great church! Congrats on being baptised!!!